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the day before yesterday中文是什么意思

用"the day before yesterday"造句"the day before yesterday"怎么读"the day before yesterday" in a sentence


  • 前日
  • 前天
  • 昨天
  • "day"中文翻译    n. 1.日,一日。 2.节日;规定的日期,约定的日子。 ...
  • "before"中文翻译    adv. 1.在前,在前方,在前头,在前面。 2.在以前 ...
  • "yesterday"中文翻译    n. 1.昨日,昨天。 2.〔pl.〕过去(的日子)。 ...
  • "perhaps the day before yesterday" 中文翻译 :    大概是前天吧
  • "the day before yesterday in the evening" 中文翻译 :    前天晚上
  • "the day before yesterday in the morning" 中文翻译 :    前天早晨
  • "i went shopping the day before yesterday" 中文翻译 :    我前天去购物了
  • "before day" 中文翻译 :    天亮之前
  • "what day was yesterday" 中文翻译 :    昨天是星期几
  • "yesterday yes a day" 中文翻译 :    昨天就是一天
  • "yes, yesterday was the my pay-day" 中文翻译 :    是的,昨天是我的发薪日,我今天付给你报酬
  • "before day cover" 中文翻译 :    前日封
  • "before national day" 中文翻译 :    国庆前
  • "day before destiny" 中文翻译 :    命运的胜利
  • "day before the fair" 中文翻译 :    过早, 太早; 为时过早
  • "the day before april" 中文翻译 :    四月年的某一天
  • "the day before tomorrow" 中文翻译 :    前天
  • "the day before you came" 中文翻译 :    你到来之前的那天
  • "the night before a fast-day" 中文翻译 :    宿忌
  • "on yesterday" 中文翻译 :    在昨天
  • "yesterday" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.昨日,昨天。 2.〔pl.〕过去(的日子)。 3.近来,最近。 yesterday morning [evening] 昨天早晨[傍晚]。 yesterday's newspaper 昨天的报纸。 all yesterday 昨天一(整)天。 (a thing) of yesterday 最近的(事情)。 on yesterday 〔美国〕(在)昨天。 the day before yesterday 前天。 adv. (在)昨天;最近。 He went away yesterday. 他昨天走了。 I was not born yesterday. 我又不是昨天刚生的娃娃。
  • "and if some day i stand before that door" 中文翻译 :    如果有一天我站在那扇门前
  • "as before" 中文翻译 :    如以前
  • "before" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.在前,在前方,在前头,在前面。 2.在以前,从前,前此;较早。 run on before 跑在前面。 look before and after 瞻前顾后。 He is as happy as before. 他和从前一样幸福。 His garment buttoned before. 他的衣服前面扣上钮扣。 long before 很久以前。 Begin at noon, not before. 正午开始,不要提前。 1.在…以前;较…早[先]。 Lilacs come before the roses. 紫丁香比蔷薇开得早。 the day before yesterday 前天。 the night before last 前晚。 2.在…的前面;当着…的面;向…;〔转义〕借…的力,被…推着;有…等待着,向…开放,供…使用。 put [lay] the matter before sb. 在某人面前提出[汇报]这件事。 the question before us 当前的问题。 man and wife before Heaven 正式夫妇。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 The ship sailed before the wind. 船顺风行驶。 The golden age is before us. 黄金时代就在我们前面,前途无限美好。 Our services are before you. 我们乐于为您服务。 3.先于,优于。 Ladies before gentlemen. 女先男后。 A marquis is before a count. 侯爵在伯爵之上。 4.与其…(不如),宁可…(也不)。 Death before dishonour! 宁死不屈。 They would die before surrendering. 他们宁死也不投降。 1.〔表示时间关系〕比…早些,在…以前;还没有…(就);然后再,再;就;才。 They arrived before we expected. 我们没有想到他们来得那么早。 I must finish my work before I go home. 我必须把我的工作做完才回家。 It will not be long before Father returns. 父亲不久就要回来。 Do it now before you forget. 现在就做,免得忘记。 The sun had scarcely risen before the fog began to disappear. 太阳刚一升起,雾气就开始消散。 2.〔表示选择关系〕与其…(不如);(宁愿);…也不。 He will die before he submit. 他宁死不屈。 B- Christ 公元前 〔B.C.〕. before everything 先要,第一要。 before long 不久。 before now 从前。 before sb.'s very eyes 当某人面。 before one knows where one is 马上就,转瞬之间就,突然一下就。 before one's time 提前,过早;未出世[死]前。 before the mast 在桅前;做普通水手。 before the world 在全世界面前;公然,冒天下之大不讳。 before you can say knife [Jack Robinson] 一刹那,很快就。
  • "before then" 中文翻译 :    那时以前


  • Perhaps it was the day before yesterday .
  • If today is wednesday , the day before yesterday was monday .
  • My wife and i made a reservation through the travel service the day before yesterday .
  • What was the weather like the day before yesterday
  • Mike : what day was the day before yesterday , lucy
  • An old friend called on me the day before yesterday
  • Were these model ships made the day before yesterday
  • Just like it was happened the day before yesterday
  • We reserved six rooms for three the day before yesterday
  • When did you finish this work ? the day before yesterday
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"the day before yesterday"造句  
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